about us

Pastor Jose Andrews is famously known as the pastor of the poor in North of India. An advocate of compassion and love, he has reached countless lives all around Indian subcontinent and around the world, firmly believing that the Gospel of Christ Jesus is the direct answer to poverty. He has used many platforms to convey the message of Love.

Early Days:

Pastor Jose Andrews was born on February 28, 1951, in a small village in Kerala, where even after his parents had dedicated their complete lives to serve the Lord, they did not wanted their son to serve the Lord as they had seen enough poverty and wanted him to have a secular job so as to support them financially. But since the Lords call was so strong on His heart, He started ministering even while he was in the high school preaching in all the class rooms during the intervals. By the time he successfully completed his bachelors in theology he had planted a church in Kerala with over 200 disciples.

In the year 1982 as he kept on hearing in the news of the terror activities in the North of India, he could no longer resist the call of God in his life for the lost souls in the North of India. He sold every thing he had and prepared to move to the Punjab with his young wife and a 3 years old son. Life was tough and he was asked by his well-wishers to go back to his home town but in the midst of everything he planted another church. Today this church is the largest church in the city of Chandigarh, and is constantly working towards the uplifting of the poor and the downtrodden, supporting native missionaries around India and also blessing the street children.

Meet pastor jose

Pr. Jose N Andrews
Pastor Jose Andrews is famously known as the pastor of the poor in North of India. An advocate of compassion and love, he has reached countless lives all around Indian subcontinent and around the world, firmly believing that the Gospel of Christ Jesus is the direct answer to poverty...

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